Sexual Harassment: Part Three. State Releases Model Policy

New York State has, at long last, released its final model sexual harassment policy and training materials. Back in April, Governor Cuomo signed into law a bill requiring all state employers to adopt what might be the most stringent mandatory anti-sexual harassment policies in the country and to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all […]

Sexual Harassment: Part Two. New Rules Explained

    In the last post I explained that New York had passed some pretty significant rules aimed at curbing the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace. The paragraphs that follow give a summary of five of the most significant changes included in the reform package and hopefully provide some guidance for employers looking […]

Sexual Harassment: Part One. New Rules for New York State

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a new phenomenon. It has risen to the forefront of public consciousness many times. At least since the infamous Clearance Thomas Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 1992, the general public has been well aware of the problem. Recent revelations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein along with a cavalcade […]