Nearly every business and individual engages in lending or borrowing at some point. Thus, it is relevant information that there exist rules setting maximum rates of interest lenders can lawfully charge borrowers. These limits, know by the esoteric-sounding moniker of “usury laws,” can seem somewhat abstruse to the uninitiated. This article will provide an overview […]

Implementing a Bring Your Own Device Policy
Nearly all employees will at some point to asked to or expected to use their personal cell phone for a work related purpose for the benefit of their employer. Smartphones are the most common employee-owned devices used for work tasks, but employee-owned tablets, laptops, USB drives, and an ever-expanding roster of internet-enabled devices are also […]

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
What is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act The Financial Modernization Act of 1999, commonly known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) is a federal law that controls the ways financial institutions deal with the private information of individuals. It requires covered institutions to take several affirmative steps to prevent the unauthorized collection, use, and disclosure of certain consumer […]

Department of Financial Services Cybersecurity Regulations
In 2017, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) enacted cyber security regulations (Regulations), which took effect between 2017 and 2019. The Regulations apply to businesses under the jurisdiction of the Department of Financial Services, i.e., entities operating under or requiring DFS licensure or registration (covered entities). For example, all New York State […]

President Biden Sets Goal of 2030 to Make Half of New U.S. Vehicles Electric
Earlier this month, President Biden issued an Executive Order intended to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 electric, fuel cell or plug-in hybrid vehicles. Although not legally binding, this goal is intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as the nation confronts the increasingly evident effects of climate change. To address climate change, […]

Ransomware – Considerations and Strategies
Your news feed has probably been interspersed with stories about ransomware attacks in recent months. The most prominent examples being attacks on Colonial Pipeline, Brazilian meat processor JBS USA, and IT software maker Kaseya. These attacks are part of a disconcerting trend of attacks against increasingly larger and more sophisticated entities. Yet, the vast majority […]

SHIELD Act Security Program
On May 7, 2021, a cyberattack forced Colonial Pipeline, one of the United States’ largest oil pipelines, to close its operations and freeze its IT systems. Due to the attack, gas prices rose to their highest levels in three years. This led to consumers panic-buying gasoline (some even in plastic bags) and gas stations running […]

Business Email Compromise Schemes
Internet-based frauds, schemes, scams, and all sorts of mean, nasty, ugly things, are risks organizations must prepare for. One scheme that has been the subject of litigation recently is commonly known as a “business email compromise scheme.” In a typical scheme, some malefactor gains access to the email account of an employee or officer at […]

Need to Know about the New York State SHIELD Act?
The Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (“SHIELD”) Act (“the Act”) was enacted into New York State (“NYS”) Law in July of 2019. Major provisions of the law took effect in March of 2020. In case your attention was somehow divided around that time and you missed the news, this article will provide an […]

Benefits of Trademark Registration
A trademark is a recognizable name, marking, or term that an entity can by law use to identify itself and its products. The most common examples of trademarks are the names of products, services, or businesses. Nearly all businesses, associations, not-for-profits, and other entities have at least one trademark (also known as a “mark”) (google […]