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6312 Fly Road, East Syracuse, NY 13057

Wladis Law Firm’s clients include hundreds of sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and closely held corporations. Our team of business law attorneys guides our clients with proper entity selection and helps form corporations, limited liability companies, professional corporations, and other business entities.

Our corporate law attorneys routinely prepare shareholder agreements, employment agreements, stock redemption agreements, confidentiality agreements, and a wide variety of transactional agreements that relate to the operations of our business clients.

Mark Wladis and Jennifer Granzow are business, corporate law and commercial transaction experts.

Other business, corporate, and commercial transactions law services include:

  • Day-to-day operations;
  • Finance;
  • Buy-sell shareholder agreements;
  • Employment;
  • Tax issues;
  • Restructuring;
  • Consolidations;
  • Purchases; and
  • Sales and mergers

Corporate and business clients rely on our team for matters involving choice of entity, intellectual property determination and protection, commercial transactions, and other general business matters.

These include:

  • Commercial agreements;
  • Private loan agreements;
  • Service agreements;
  • Negotiation of leases and a wide variety of agreements for the development and management of commercial properties
  • Commercial sales, acquisitions, secured transactions, and workouts;
  • Implications of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) on various transactions and disputes; and
  • Drafting and reviewing transactional and operational documents.

Our business regulation lawyers take pride in their ability to work with businesses ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies. Wladis Law Firm has established a reputation for growing new ventures along with the state’s growing entrepreneur population. Through our participation with the Syracuse Tech Garden, our team advises startups on various funding options, including crowdfunding, to complement our team’s grant writing and economic development practice.