Sidewalk Snow Clearing Requirements

We all know that it is conscientious and neighborly to clear sidewalks running through your property or in front of your business after a significant snowfall, but there are other important reasons to keep our sidewalks snow and ice-free. 1) Accumulated snow and ice is dangerous; 2) snow blocked sidewalks can results in disabled and […]

Hiring an Attorney for Your Real Estate Purchase

If you are a transplant to New York it may come as a surprise to you to learn that real estate transactions involve not only real estate agents, but also attorneys to represent the buyer, seller,and (in some instances) lender.  This is because New York law mandates that only attorneys can practice law and specifies […]

Giving Thanks

Over the river and through the woods…many of us will go tomorrow, to a dining table laden with traditional Thanksgiving feasts and ringed with family members, all waiting for the chance to dig into Grandma’s top-secret recipe sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top. My husband, kids and I will celebrate “Friendsgiving” with close friends who […]

Look for the Helpers

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” ~Fred Rogers   It has been a tumultuous start to fall in America. Whether you are a diehard law-nerd following the confirmation hearings […]

Sexual Harassment: Part Three. State Releases Model Policy

New York State has, at long last, released its final model sexual harassment policy and training materials. Back in April, Governor Cuomo signed into law a bill requiring all state employers to adopt what might be the most stringent mandatory anti-sexual harassment policies in the country and to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all […]

Back to School and Moving Forward

“Car Drop Off Line? No. Parking Lot? Yes!”   Yet another summer has come to a screeching halt before any of us were really ready for it to go.  It’s still been nearly 90 degrees out, sun blazing.  But it’s September, and those glossy floors that the custodians so carefully cleaned and waxed are now […]

Sexual Harassment: Part Two. New Rules Explained

    In the last post I explained that New York had passed some pretty significant rules aimed at curbing the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace. The paragraphs that follow give a summary of five of the most significant changes included in the reform package and hopefully provide some guidance for employers looking […]

Sexual Harassment: Part One. New Rules for New York State

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a new phenomenon. It has risen to the forefront of public consciousness many times. At least since the infamous Clearance Thomas Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 1992, the general public has been well aware of the problem. Recent revelations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein along with a cavalcade […]

The Land of Opportunity:

Independence Day, when we get together to commemorate the Declaration of Independence and to celebrate all things American. Our country has really come a long way since rebellious colonists threw off the shackles of monarchical rule in the 18th century. From a humble agrarian nation, it has grown to be the dominant military and economic […]


  Janis Joplin famously sang “Please don’t do it to me…won’t you move over?”, and in New York and many other states, her plea to move over has been codified into law.  Formally titled the Ambrose-Searles Move Over Act, Section 1144-a of New York’s Vehicle and Traffic Law is commonly called the Move Over Law.  […]