Creating an estate plan is one of the most important endeavors you will undertake during your lifetime.
Estate Planning for Young Adults
For many young adults, the thought of creating an estate plan is not at the forefront of their minds. After all, who thinks about something that may not occur for the next 50 years? It is important for young adults to know that estate planning is not only planning for your inheritance, but it is […]
Taxes at Death Under President Biden
Now that the dust has settled with the presidential election and runoffs relating to the control of the US Senate, there is a clear picture of who is in control in Washington. With the Senate divided 50/50, Vice President Kamala Harris holds a tie-breaking vote on any deadlocked legislation. Many experts are left wondering how […]
Probate of a Will in New York State
You have been named Executor under your family member’s Last Will and Testament. Now what? In order for you to have any legal authority to act as the Executor, you will need to obtain official authority from a Court appointing you Executor for the Estate of the decedent. This authority is obtained by filing […]
COVID-19: Important Documents to Consider During a Pandemic
It is always important to have estate planning documents in place to face the unknown that the future holds. During a pandemic like the one the world is facing now, it is even more important, one may argue essential, to have the proper estate planning documents in place. Generally speaking, any adult would do well […]
What is a Living Trust?
My clients often are well aware of what a Last Will and Testament is, and its purpose of provide for their wishes when they pass away. They also know that trusts exist but are not sure what they are or what a trust does. The focus of this blog will be on Living Trusts, also […]
New York Able Accounts
Individuals with disabilities are often relegated to a life of poverty as a result of not being allowed to build even the most modest levels of resources. Individuals receiving support through Social Security, Medicaid and other publicly-funded programs are often disqualified from eligibility if they have more than $2,000 worth of resources or assets. With […]
Decedents Receiving Stimulus Payments: What the Family Should Do
As detailed in prior blog posts by our firm, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides a one-time direct payment of $1,200 to individuals earning less than $75,000 per year ($150,000 for couples who file jointly), including Social Security beneficiaries. The IRS has based the amount to be paid to an American […]
Medicaid Eligibility in New York – The Look-Back Period(s)
It is important to remember the Medicaid eligibility rules when planning for long term care. In order to qualify for Medicaid to cover a stay in a skilled nursing facility, a single person can have no more than $15,750 in countable assets at the 2020 asset levels published by New York State. However, there is […]
When you think about creating an initial estate plan, you likely focus entirely on the need to create a roadmap for the distribution of your estate assets in the event of your death. While that certainly will always remain an important estate planning goal, you will undoubtedly include additional goals into your estate plan over […]