Environmental Criminal Enforcement Update

Lockport, NY Realtor Pleads Guilty To Violating Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Rules  This first case is an appropriate follow-up to my August 30, 2017 blog post, which discussed EPA’s Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule. On September 7, 2017, Maureen S. Walck, of Lockport, NY, pleaded guilty to failure to provide a lead paint hazard warning […]

Environmental Enforcement in 2017

The Trump Administration has proposed the termination of many Obama administration environmental programs and initiatives and drastic cutbacks to the budget of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. In response, state of New York Attorney General Schneiderman has stated, “President Trump’s budget cuts would cause untold – and perhaps irreparable – damage to New York’s […]

Selecting An Environmental Lawyer

Environmental law matters frequently involve an overlap of and interplay between legal, scientific and business concerns.  Translating science into policy and policy into law and the resulting enforcement or interpretation of the law by government agencies and the courts can leave the prospective client frustrated, confused and confounded by the law and its regulators.  Adding […]

Why You need an Environmental Attorney

With so many practiced attorneys, you may be asking yourself why you need to retain an experienced environmental attorney? Failing to consider that question can become an expensive mistake.  No one wants to discover a costly environmental problem after closing or learn their indemnification agreement does not address unanticipated costs and expenses or operations cannot […]