With my father at Dewitt Community Church, 2003.

Today, we celebrate dads.  Aren’t they lucky to have us?  Unlike moms, there is little chance that dads will spend their special day in Central New York brushing snow off the grill. We hope you are spending the day in a way that is meaningful to you.  If you need a little dad wisdom in your life, we are big fans of this You Tube channel, Dad, How Do I? Check it out!

And, not to get totally sappy on you except that is exactly what I am going to do – I was blessed to have the greatest father of all time. He lost his own father at a very young age but what he lacked in tutelage under his dad’s wing, he more than made up for with the whole heart and soul love that he gave to me. I miss him like crazy. My daughters are lucky to have that same kind of love from their dad, my husband Mike, who would hang the moon for them. Cheers to excellence in the field of fatherhood!

The Granzows, at a Cazenovia School of Ballet recital.
Jennifer Granzow Headshot

Jennifer B. Granzow

Ms. Granzow holds a JD from the Syracuse University College of Law. Her practice is concentrated in the areas of business and corporate law, real estate, economic development, and government relations, with an emphasis on grants and public funding.

More Details About Jennifer B. Granzow