SHIELD Act Security Program

On May 7, 2021, a cyberattack forced Colonial Pipeline, one of the United States’ largest oil pipelines, to close its operations and freeze its IT systems. Due to the attack, gas prices rose to their highest levels in three years. This led to consumers panic-buying gasoline (some even in plastic bags) and gas stations running […]

Business Email Compromise Schemes

Internet-based frauds, schemes, scams, and all sorts of mean, nasty, ugly things, are risks organizations must prepare for. One scheme that has been the subject of litigation recently is commonly known as a “business email compromise scheme.” In a typical scheme, some malefactor gains access to the email account of an employee or officer at […]

Need to Know about the New York State SHIELD Act?

The Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (“SHIELD”) Act (“the Act”) was enacted into New York State (“NYS”) Law in July of 2019. Major provisions of the law took effect in March of 2020. In case your attention was somehow divided around that time and you missed the news, this article will provide an […]

New York State Court Judges and Court Staff Directed to Return to their Courthouses

Effective Monday, May 24, 2021, “all judges and court staff will be required to physically return to work in their assigned courthouses. It is time to return to our normal and full courthouse staffing levels in order to support the fuller resumption of in-person operations, including jury trials and other proceedings in our courts” so […]

Benefits of Trademark Registration

A trademark is a recognizable name, marking, or term that an entity can by law use to identify itself and its products. The most common examples of trademarks are the names of products, services, or businesses. Nearly all businesses, associations, not-for-profits, and other entities have at least one trademark (also known as a “mark”) (google […]

What To Do When You Discover Your Property May Have Been Contaminated

Today, federal, state and even local agencies in New York enforce environmental laws and regulations designed to help keep the environment clean.  Companies find it makes good business sense to have sound environmental practices.  There is a culture of environmental awareness and recognition that we should be protective of the environment.  It wasn’t that long […]

In Like a Lion.

March 11, 2021 marked one year since we officially entered a pandemic. One year since we thought we would stay home for two weeks, flatten the curve, and then go back to life as we knew it. One year since our minds were racing, hearts panicking at the uncertainty of what was going to happen […]

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Modified Nationwide Permit Program for the Construction, Maintenance, Repair, and Removal of Utility Lines Goes into Effect on March 15, 2021

Nationwide permits provide a streamlined process for the Corps to authorize activities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 that have no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects. NWPs expire every five years, and the Corps typically reissues the permits […]

Taxes at Death Under President Biden

Now that the dust has settled with the presidential election and runoffs relating to the control of the US Senate, there is a clear picture of who is in control in Washington.  With the Senate divided 50/50, Vice President Kamala Harris holds a tie-breaking vote on any deadlocked legislation.  Many experts are left wondering how […]

Do New Yorkers Pay More to the Federal Government Than They Get Back?

Congress has broad authority to levy taxes on entities, transactions, and property of all sorts. This includes individuals, businesses, not-for-profits, profits, income, investment returns, imports, and well, you get the idea. Under the 16th Amendment, Congress can and has adopted a graduated income tax, whereby persons and entities with more resources are generally taxed at […]