Estate Planning for Single People

While discussions for estate planning often focus on married couples, estate planning for a single person is equally as important. In many instances, a single person may need to do things differently and the consequences of not having a well-coordinated plan can create real problems. Most single people own assets in their names individually and […]


  With credit to the movie Mean Girls for my blog post title today, I am setting aside humor for the moment.  Let’s talk some real talk here. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  It’s not about wearing pink (but feel free – I love it, too). Some facts for you: In the United States, […]

New York Able Accounts Open For Business

State of New York has become the 27th state in the nation to launch an ABLE program. The New York ABLE Program, named NY ABLE, is administered by the Office of the New York State Comptroller, managed by Ascensus Broker Dealer Services, Inc. and backed by Vanguard, Sallie Mae and Fifth Third Bank. NY ABLE […]

Wetlands: Part One. What are they and why are they so important?

Wetlands: Part One.  What are they and why are they so important? Our environmental work for clients often includes issues related to wetlands, yet many people do not know what they are, why they are so important or how they are regulated.  This blog entry talks about what wetlands are and the crucial role they […]

The USEPA Lead Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Program – the RRP Rule

To ensure that property owners and occupants are able to act quickly to preserve their homes and property in the wake of disasters, the RRP rule includes an emergency provision exempting firms from certain requirements. EPA’s Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP Rule) requires that firms performing renovation, repair, and painting projects that disturb […]

Need For Speed

Our lives are incredibly busy today trying to juggle work, family and household chores. The clock seemed to tick at a much slower pace years ago.  There was more time with family and the chores always got done.  We live in a much faster-paced world today, the clock doesn’t stand still and every minute flies […]

“Dela-where? Why You Should Probably Incorporate Your New York Business Here in New York”

It is often said that Delaware is one of the best states in the nation for business incorporation.  This thought process stems from several factors including tax benefits, flexibility of law, and longevity and consistency in legislation and court decisions.  However, small businesses doing business primarily in New York are unlikely to realize these benefits, […]

Selecting the Appropriate Trustee of Your Trust

  When you are selecting a trustee as part of the trust creation process, you need to ensure that you select the right person. The trustee has many different responsibilities and serves a vitally important role. Before you decide who will fulfill this position, you need to understand what trustees are actually responsible for and […]

New York updates vapor intrusion guidance documents: what does this mean to me?

Few people have heard of vapor intrusion, so what, exactly, is it?  In simple terms, vapor intrusion is a process by which subsurface contamination moves into the indoor air space of an enclosed area above it.  It happens when volatile, vapor-forming chemicals move from a subsurface source—say contaminated soils or groundwater—through cracks in foundations or […]

Special Needs Fairness Act Approved in New York

A First Party Special Needs Trust is a very powerful tool that allows an individual with a disability to protect a large sum of money from counting against them with regard to qualifying for needs based governmental programs, such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).  By federal law, a First Party Special Needs Trust […]