Zoning for Religious Uses Without Violating RLUIPA

In 1988 the Supreme Court denied American Indian groups, led by the Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association, bid to prevent the construction of a roadway for harvesting timber on Chimney Rock Mountain, California. The site had been a sacred place of worship for local Native tribes for hundreds of years. Native American rights advocates, as […]

Let It Snow!

The long range forecast for Central New York predicted warmer than usual temperatures and lower snow levels than normal for this winter season and Mother Nature has delivered on that. It’s been a pretty tame winter but we were awakened this morning by the call from school announcing the snow day our kids had wished […]


From Jan 2016 thru June 2018, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) received over 300,000 complaints about the debt collection industry. The most common: companies attempting to collect debts not actually owed. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Most people have heard of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the most important federal consumer […]

The SECURE Act: New Laws for Distribution of IRAs

At the end of 2019, Congress passed, and the President signed into law, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (the “SECURE Act”).  As of January 1, 2020, this law went into effect and drastically changes many of the rules relating to individuals’ Traditional IRAs. Required Minimum Distributions: The SECURE Act has delayed […]

You are Buying or Selling Real Estate. Do you Need an Environmental Lawyer?

Yes, you need environmental counsel when any of the following arise: You want to obtain “bona fide prospective purchaser protection” for your property acquisition but are not sure what is required. You need assistance in drafting environmental provisions in a contract of sale in order to protect yourself from risk and future liabilities. The parties […]


You could be forgiven for not having heard of the Transportation and Climate Initiative of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States (“TCI”). Undeniably, the blockbuster state-level public policy news of 2019 on the climate change mitigation front was the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (“CLCPA”), signed into law in July and previously covered in this […]

NYSDEC Creates High Peaks Strategic Planning Advisory Group to Help Manage Adirondack High Peaks Resources

The Adirondack Park dates back to 1885, when it was created by the State of New York as a forest preserve. It contains more than six-million acres and is the largest park in the contiguous United States.  Since its creation, it has been a huge draw for tourists who enjoy hiking, camping, fishing, boating and […]

The Spooktacular History of American Halloween

Tonight, hordes of children will take to the streets seeking treats and threatening tricks if they don’t get their way.  As those of us located in Upstate New York prepare for what appears to be a very intense rainstorm, I find myself wondering what initiated this tradition anyway?  Lucky for you I did the research […]

On Wednesdays, We Wear Pink.

With credit to the movie Mean Girls for my blog post title today, I am setting aside humor for the moment.  Let’s talk some real talk here. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  It’s not about wearing pink (but feel free – I love it, too). Some facts for you:   In the United States, […]


What is a trademark? A trademark is a type of intellectual property that purveyors of goods or services acquire by using some distinctive expression to identify their goods or services and to distinguish them from others available in the market. They protect brands and other non-functional aspects of goods or services by acting as an […]