Yes, you need environmental counsel when any of the following arise: You want to obtain “bona fide prospective purchaser protection” for your property acquisition but are not sure what is required. You need assistance in drafting environmental provisions in a contract of sale in order to protect yourself from risk and future liabilities. The parties […]
You could be forgiven for not having heard of the Transportation and Climate Initiative of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States (“TCI”). Undeniably, the blockbuster state-level public policy news of 2019 on the climate change mitigation front was the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (“CLCPA”), signed into law in July and previously covered in this […]
NYSDEC Creates High Peaks Strategic Planning Advisory Group to Help Manage Adirondack High Peaks Resources
The Adirondack Park dates back to 1885, when it was created by the State of New York as a forest preserve. It contains more than six-million acres and is the largest park in the contiguous United States. Since its creation, it has been a huge draw for tourists who enjoy hiking, camping, fishing, boating and […]
New York Enacts Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, with New Tough Emission Reduction Standards
In July, Governor Cuomo signed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) into law. The Act sets new environmental emission standards, including major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and targets greater use of renewable energy to tackle the effects of climate change. The CLCPA targets “net zero” carbon emissions by 2050, with an interim […]
NYSDEC Proposed Revisions to Hazardous Materials Regulations
Since 2012, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated a number of major changes to the rules that regulate the treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is considering adopting a number of these federal changes to the applicable state rules. Before it finalizes any […]
New York Launches New Online Harmful Algal Blooms Map and Reporting System
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have been in the news recently, especially here in Central New York. Just two years ago HAB outbreaks in Skaneateles Lake, which—unfiltered—provides Syracuse’s drinking water, caused a good deal of concern about the potability of that water and even led to several days of beach closures. Other areas of the State […]
Lead-Based Paint: Notice Requirements imposed by Federal Law on Sellers, Property Managers, Landlords and Real Estate Agents
In 1978 the federal government banned consumer uses of lead-based paint, thus effectively stopping the use of lead-based paint in all housing across the country. Prior to that date, lead-based paint was widely used including in housing and homes constructed prior to that date. If properly managed lead-based paint poses little, if any risk to […]
Here in Onondaga County, we are very fortunate to have curbside recycling available to us as a free service. We’ve been dutifully tossing our cans, jars, and newspapers into blue bins for years and polishing our own haloes for our contributions to keeping the Earth green. I’ve got some news for you, though, and it […]
NYSDEC Issues $1.3 Million Penalty for Illegal Mining
Sand and gravel mines are located all over New York State. While most operate legally, there are some that operate without a permit, which poses a significant risk to their operators—and some find that out the hard way. Earlier this month, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) entered into an Order on […]
The State of New York Response to the Detection of Emerging Contaminants in Groundwater: A Primer
In December, 2018, The New York State Departments of Health and Environmental Conservation announced that the New York State Drinking Water Quality Council had recommended that the Department of Health adopt the nation’s most protective maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for PFOA, PFOS, and the nation’s first MCL for 1,4-dioxane. All three “emerging contaminants” have been […]